Pattern Recognition for Alternative Concentrations of NaCl and Glucose Doped Solutions using Optical Coherence Tomography

Document Type : Original Article



For the sake of developing the process of medical analysis of biological solutions (Blood, Urea) there should be more substitutions for the current methods using the chemical agents' addition to the samples. An important and fundamental development in medical research is the widening of the field of activity. The medical researcher is no longer content with the study only of the sick individuals; he is also concerned with the problem of keeping the healthy person fits. This shift in behavior needs "mass production" methods, since he will be often working with large group of communities and not only individual patients. Several experiments have been performed in using computers to process medical information. Light spectroscopy and imaging with computerized systems support this process with more accuracy and the storage ability. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging technology that can generate high resolution images of tissues in real time. OCT is analogous to ultrasound imaging, except that it uses the echo delay of light instead of sound to generate images. Fourier transform aided with power spectrum density built the theoretical way to achieve the pattern recognition of different materials doped in one solution.